Topic: What will happen to the world after all humanity is gone?
Life on Earth after humanity is gone has been questioned for many years, starting from the beginning of time. Some researchers state that after human extinction proof of our existence will be preserved within our buildings/structures. Within time our technological advances will be diminished, however some specific geographical feature will still be intact, such as Mt. Rushmore. Monuments and sculptures are believed to be the longest lasting artifacts left of the human race. I think that it’s important to be able to recognize the possibility of humanity’s extinction and try to cope with some ways of helping our memories last longer. Many people look into their future, without ever making extinction as one of their future’s options. With this study humanity may be able to invest more time and effort in producing something that may last more than a lifetime, and which can withstand any type of mass destruction to carry on with the past. While researching this topic I will look into the myths that people have produced throughout the years based on their religion and beliefs and then I will compare it to scientific studies from the professionals that have put time and research in figuring things out. Comparing those two views and understanding the background well, I think will allow me to grasp the concept better.
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